

Ich hatte das Vergnügen, gemeinsam mit meinem Kumpel an der von Ihnen organisierten Motorradtour durch den Himalaya teilzunehmen.

Von Anfang an beeindruckte mich die Professionalität und auch die informierten Unterlagen. Die Organisation war makellos – von der Buchung über die Vorbereitung bis hin zur Durchführung der Tour. Die Kommunikation durch Konstantin war stets klar und prompt, sodass ich mich zu jedem Zeitpunkt gut informiert und betreut fühlte.

Die Motorräder waren in einwandfreiem Zustand, was uns ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit und Fahrspaß gewährleistete. Die Route, die für uns zusammengestellt wurde, bot atemberaubende Ausblicke, herausfordernde Fahrbedingungen und unvergessliche Erlebnisse. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die landschaftlichen Schönheiten und die kulturellen Highlights, die wir auf unserer Reise entdecken konnten.

Unser Guide, der Fahrer und der Mechaniker waren nicht nur äußerst kompetent und erfahren, sondern auch unglaublich freundlich und hilfsbereit. Sie kannten die Gegend wie Ihre Westentasche und gaben uns viele wertvolle Tipps und Einblicke in die lokale Kultur und Geschichte. Ihre Leidenschaft für das, was sie tun, war ansteckend und trug wesentlich dazu bei, dass ich mich während der gesamten Tour wohl und gut aufgehoben fühlte.

Die Unterkünfte, die für uns ausgewählt wurden, waren funktionell und entsprachen den örtlichen Möglichkeiten. Nach einem langen Tag auf dem Motorrad konnten ich mich in sauberen Zimmern entspannen. In Leh waren die Zimmer aufgrund von nächtlichem Hundegebell etwas laut.

Insgesamt war diese Motorradtour im Himalaya eine unvergessliche Erfahrung, die meine Erwartungen bei weitem übertroffen hat. Ich kann Sie und ganz besonders auch die Firma AsiaBike Tours uneingeschränkt empfehlen.

Vielen Dank für dieses fantastische Abenteuer!

Uwe Baumann

Ich hatte das Vergnügen, gemeinsam mit meinem Kumpel an der von Ihnen organisierten Motorradtour durch den Himalaya teilzunehmen.

Von Anfang an beeindruckte mich die Professionalität und auch die informierten Unterlagen. Die Organisation war makellos – von der Buchung über die Vorbereitung bis hin zur Durchführung der Tour. Die Kommunikation durch Konstantin war stets klar und prompt, sodass ich mich zu jedem Zeitpunkt gut informiert und betreut fühlte.

Die Motorräder waren in einwandfreiem Zustand, was uns ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit und Fahrspaß gewährleistete. Die Route, die für uns zusammengestellt wurde, bot atemberaubende Ausblicke, herausfordernde Fahrbedingungen und unvergessliche Erlebnisse. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die landschaftlichen Schönheiten und die kulturellen Highlights, die wir auf unserer Reise entdecken konnten.

Unser Guide, der Fahrer und der Mechaniker waren nicht nur äußerst kompetent und erfahren, sondern auch unglaublich freundlich und hilfsbereit. Sie kannten die Gegend wie Ihre Westentasche und gaben uns viele wertvolle Tipps und Einblicke in die lokale Kultur und Geschichte. Ihre Leidenschaft für das, was sie tun, war ansteckend und trug wesentlich dazu bei, dass ich mich während der gesamten Tour wohl und gut aufgehoben fühlte.

Die Unterkünfte, die für uns ausgewählt wurden, waren funktionell und entsprachen den örtlichen Möglichkeiten. Nach einem langen Tag auf dem Motorrad konnten ich mich in sauberen Zimmern entspannen. In Leh waren die Zimmer aufgrund von nächtlichem Hundegebell etwas laut.

Insgesamt war diese Motorradtour im Himalaya eine unvergessliche Erfahrung, die meine Erwartungen bei weitem übertroffen hat. Ich kann Sie und ganz besonders auch die Firma AsiaBike Tours uneingeschränkt empfehlen.

Vielen Dank für dieses fantastische Abenteuer!

Sepp Kempf

Hallo Benedikt und Natanael,

wir sind wieder zurück von einer unglaublichen Motorradtour in Vietnam.

Nochmals vielen Dank für eure Organisation - besser kann man es nicht machen - wir kommen sicher wieder!!!

Schöne Grüsse aus dem verschneiten Vorarlberg


Edith L.

Cher Shankar.
J'ai le plaisir de te dire que mon voyage au Népal a été un vrai régal. C'est vrai que tout était fait pour avoir un beau voyage à moto enfield. La météo nous a été favorable, les lieux que tu as choisi pour nous héberger sont accueillants et propre et partout la nourriture est merveilleusement présentées et colorées, on y mange tellement bien.
Les routes sont comme je le recherchai terribles et caillouteuses. Les changements paysages et de climats sont grandioses, quel beau souvenir.
Ce voyage sans toi n'aurai pas eu la même saveur. Tu es joyeux et communicatif. Tu nous emmène dans des endroits encore authentiques vers une population accueillante. Chaque matin on pouvait t'entendre nous décrire le déroulement de la journée avec carte géographique. Aux arrêts tu as souvent une anecdote ou une histoire pour compléter ce qu'on regarde. Le soir aussi tu as de quoi nous en apprendre plus sur ce pays le Népal. Mon voyage prochain sera aussi avec toi en 2025. A bientôt


Hier mein Kommentar zur Motorradtour "Traumstraßen des Nordens"
vom 18.11.2023 bis 02.12.2023:
Der, uns nicht nur von Gott, sondern auch von Asiabiketour zugewiesene Tourguide bestätigte sich als humorvoller, den Ansprüchen der Gruppe gewachsener, situationselastischer Tourguide.
Man merkte, dass dieser Job seine Berufung ist.
Die Gruppe hat es ihm natürlich sehr leicht gemacht, sie erwies sich als äußerst kohärent, mit großartigem Teamgeist.
Allen Bedürfnissen wurde Rechnung getragen.
Das Motorradrevier erwies sich als fast unvergleichlich. Endloses Kurvengewusel, liebliche Landschaften, unterstrichen durch wunderbares Essen und eine gelungene Auswahl der Hotels.
Es war eine unvergessliche Tour! Dank an Alle Beteiligten.
Liebe Grüße Christian

Lea und Waler

"THAILAND / Traumstraßen des Nordens"

.....die Realität ubertrifft den Titel !!!!!

So etwas muss frau/man erlebt haben. Ich dachte wir hätten in Österreich gute Bedingungen zum Kurvenräubern, aber da gibt's dann doch mehr Polizei und Radargeräte.
Hier nicht und die Straßen sind gebaut,
der Ingenieur muß ein Motorradfahrer sein♡♡♡
Dazu noch die nettesten Gruppemitglieder die man sich vorstellen kann. (Ist wohl Glückssache)

Die Unterkünfte von
sehr gut - abwechslungsreich.

Die Organisation Bestens

Gr. Pluspunkt: der Guide hat zugelassen, dass sich die Mitfahrer entsprechend ihrer Fahrlust selber zusammengewürfelt haben.

Ein bischen mehr tägliches Briefing hätte gutgetan.

Zusammenfassend: Absolut zu empfehlen und eine Wiederholung ist geplant

Lea und Walter


Bergvölker-Tour März/April 23
Zum fünften Mal mit Asia-Bike-Tours unterwegs und (wieder einmal ;) ) die schönste aller Touren gefahren. Wir sind rundum begeistert, zwei Wochen nach Rückkehr immer noch nicht wieder "angekommen" und am Schwärmen.
Land und Leute,  Kultur und Karstberge, Motorräder und Märkte, und immer wieder: Landschaft, Landschaft, Landschaft. Tien und Cuong haben sich zusammen mit Benedikt eine grandiose Tour "off the beaten Track" ausgedacht. Viele kleine und kleinste Straßen, Wege, Tracks. Wir haben so nicht nur die tolle Berglandschaft bewundern dürfen, sondern auch besondere Einblicke in das Leben der Einheimischen (Minderheiten) erfahren. Die Übernachtungen in den Homestays boten ebenfalls Einsichten in das Leben der Menschen vor Ort, die man normalerweise nicht hat. Dabei wurden wir immer freundlich aufgenommen.  Eine zweite Überschrift dieser Tour könnte auch "surprise, surprise" lauten. Jeder Tag bot wieder neue Überraschungen - geplant und ungeplant. (Die hier natürlich nicht verraten werden ... )  Und das Schöne war auch: Es gab ausreichend Zeit für Stopps, z.B. für einen Marktbesuch, um  Arbeiter am Straßenrand zu befragen, um einen fröhlichen Talk mit Schulkindern zu halten usw. usw.
Fahrerisch war die Tour gut zu bewältigen, die interessanten Strecken abseits der Straße sind vielleicht nicht unbedingt anfängerfreundlich aber für durchschnittliche Fahrer*innen kein Problem.
Wir haben die Tour rundum genossen und freuen uns, dass es mit Asia-Bike-Tours unter neuer Leitung so toll weiter geht. Wir sind bald wieder dabei!
Anke und Joachim (beide Selbstfahrer)


Lhasa-Kailash-Kathmandu June 2019
My first trip with Heinrich and first trip with the group. It was a great experience and I really enjoyed this 3 weeks. Heinrich and local quide did excellent job.
Thank you Heinrich.


Hi Heinrich,
Tibet, what a great experience, the scenery woh, your ability to organise and personal attention to all on your tour astounds me. Such a wonderful tour and the knowledge of your local guide made the trip an education so one comes away with a deep appreciation of the Tibetan history and culture. I have in the past and will continue to highly recommend your tours.


this trip from Lhasa to Mt. Everest Base Camp and back was an amazing experience and the whole ABT team did a great job in making this trip happen in October. October turned out to be an excellent month for the trip...sunshine and amazing views, that is if you do not mind some cooler temperatures. But that is more then compensated with the blue skies and landscapes.

Again thanks a lot for making this trip happen on rather short notice and the experiences gathered along the way, All the best,


Georg Bachler

Tolle Motorradtage mit tollen Leuten liegen hinter mir! Die Tour durch Nordvietnam war spitze organisiert und hatte eine ideale Mischung aus Motorradfahren und Land bereisen.
Danke an das ganze Team – allen voran Enrico und Hop!
Haomidu! :)

Ernst Grosinger

Nach der Tour durch Nepal 2004, nach Ladakh 2006 sowie durch Sikkim und Bhutan 2015 kann ich nur sagen, dass durch "Ride your dreams" meine Träume in der Tat wahr wurden. Und ich fand Freunde für den Rest meines Lebens. Danke, Heinrich !

Fulton Smith

Motorcycling through new frontiers is adventure at its best and food for the soul, and travelling will Heinrich is the way to do it. Heinrich and his team are brilliant - flexible, knowledgeable, and real. They are great people and, after two trips with home now, a great friend. He has been a great supporter of Blue Dragon Children's Foundation on our rides as well.

Myrle Langley

Myanmar : Kyrgyzstan : Tibet : Bhutan

Anyone who enjoys the biker life and has not been on an AsiaBikeTours trip has a hole in their resume! Having witnessed the wonders of Bhutan, Tibet, Kyrgyzstan and Myanmar withAsiaBikeTours in the company of some of the world's most interesting people, I can safely argue that adventures such as these are rare indeed. These trips were organized enough to ensure safety but loose enough that one was - as Heinrich is wont to say - free to "ride their dream". There is nothing of the "tourist" mentality in all this. It is instead a biker style cultural immersion combined with an adventure that comes only from riding the land without structural impediments. While I would not suggest that anAsiaBikeTours trip is an entry level riding experience, competent riders seem to quickly adjust to the environment and find the track and pace that suits their skill level. I wish I could do it all again, but all of us become victims of aging. Carpe diem...ride your dream.


Enrico Fabiani

Man sollte ja niemanden dazu auffordern, süchtig zu werden: nicht so im Fall von asiabiketours, da ist es gewissermassen programmiert! Nach 6 Touren davor habe ich vor wenigen Tagen Tour Nr. 7 beendet: Vietnam Nord-Süd, von Hanoi nach Saigon. Und wieder war es ein ausserordentliches Erlebnis in einer (diesmal komplett deutschsprachigen) kleinen tollen Gruppe von 7 Motorrädern. Ein Mix aus guten, mit Gefühl ausgesuchten Hotels und homestays mit Familienanschluss. Haubenküche und Eintopf. "Autobahn" und kleinste, verkehrsarme Strassen mit vielen Kurven. Das Gepäck im Begleitauto fährst du unbeschwert auf einer Honda CRF 250: ein Gerät, das spritzg und leicht zu fahren und bequem ist und wirklich Spass macht. Fahrtage und Besichtigungstage wechseln einander ab. Es ist ein wirklich ein Vergnügen und kann nur weiter empfohlen werden. Heinrich trägt durch seine Expertise nach jahrelanger ErFAHRUNG mit seiner Organisation zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis mit Suchtpotenzial bei. So betrachtet ist Sucht kein negativ belegter Begriff mehr. DANKE und bitte weitermachen!!!!

Don Silcock

I have done two trips now with Heinrich - Tibet in 2015 and Myanmar in 2016. Both trips were organized for me and a group of friends by Heinrich based on specific requests and he did a really great job.

Heinrich is a great guy to travel with - easy going, but on the ball and making sure the bases are covered as best as possible in even the most remote of places.

I am planning to go back to Tibet next year with Heinrich and he will be my first option when I look at other locations too.

Phuong Tran

Thank you, Heinrich, for your kind donation to give life-changing opportunities to kids in crisis here in Vietnam! We appreciate it very much and are grateful to have supporters like you. Thank you and best wishes for Aisa Bike Tours!

From Blue Dragon team


Foi minha primeira viagem com a Asia-Bike-Tours, e foi maravilhosa!

Uma excelente viagem através de uma terra incrível, culturas diferentes, vistas inesquecíveis e tudo com todo o suporte de um grande guia e equipe, muito experientes e que providenciaram tudo o necessário e muito mais!

Diversão certa pilotar essas motos, ainda mais em locais tão diferentes e exóticos... e com nada pra se preocupar além das vistas do Himalaia que, deixe-me dizer, são um pouco mais do que de tirar o fôlego.

Altamente recomendado para todos! Espero poder repetir algum dia no futuro!

Obrigado para toda a equipe !!


My first travel with Asia-Bike-Tours, and what a wonderful time!

A outstanding journey through an incredible land, different cultures, unforgettable sights and all backed by a great guide and team, very knowledgeable and providing all needed and more!

Very fun to ride such unnusual bikes, even more at those wild locations... and with nothing to worry but the sights of the Himalayas which, let me say, are a little more then breathtaking.

Highly recommended for everyone! Hope I can myself do it all again some time in the future!

Thanks for all the team!!

Enrico Fabiani

Not my first tour with AsiaBikeTours and for sure not the last one. When I participated in the first one 1996 (Ladakh) I just wanted to try it and now I can understand what it must mean "to be addicted".
Returned from the Myanmar tour in a very homogenic group of 9 (good) bikes I need some time to get back to normal.
Great landscape, good to excellent hotel accommodation, friendly people everywhere who welcomed us and Buddha everywhere. Fantastic pagodes with thick layers of gold against the deep blue sky.
Myanmar. A country at the beginning of tourism, a country slowly opening to democracy. Going there on a motorcycle is a very good way to get a closer feeling. AsiaBikeTours understands to bring you to the highlights and to remote places you never ever will see in a group travelling by bus. Carefully chosen resorts, very well organized and no time pressure.
My recommendation clearly says: try it, you will like it, for sure.
Many thanks for the unforgettable experience!



Tibet - Oct 2016

Dear AsiaBikeTours, Dear Heinrich,

this trip from Lhasa to Mt. Everest Base Camp and back was an amazing experience and the whole ABT team did a great job in making this trip happen in October. October turned out to be an excellent month for the trip...sunshine and amazing views, that is if you do not mind some cooler temperatures. But that is more then compensated with the blue skies and landscapes.

Again thanks a lot for making this trip happen on rather short notice and the experiences gathered along the way, All the best,


N.S. (Thüringen/Shanghai)

TIBET / Lhasa - Mt. Everest August 2016

Die Nr.1 hält, was sie verspricht. Tolle Reise durch Tibet und 2017 gehts nach Ladakh mit Asia-Bike-Tours!


Bis dann



Geoff - stunt rider

TIBET, August 2016.
Couldn't ask for anything more. It was a great adventure that took in so many sights and nothing was too hard for Heinrich or the guide & driver to organise. From the moment I arrived in Chengdu, I didn't have to worry about a thing. I could ride at my own pace, stop whenever I liked, but there was always the backup truck on hand if things went wrong. The two weeks went so quickly; I will definitely be back for another trip!
It was the best holiday/vacation/adventure I've ever had. I did indeed "ride my dream".

Larry Davis

TIBET - Lhasa to Everest

Hi Heinrich
We missed you on the trip but everyone had a good time and the Chinese (Tibetan) guide did an excellent job of filling in. It was a great group and we all got along fine and had no issues and everyone thought it was an awesome trip. It always takes a while for it all to sink in and I think I am still researching things that come up in my memory of the trip. I just could not believe the Buddhist influence was so strong. Having been to Thailand and Laos before it just really made an impression on me. Hope everything went smoothly for you with your fathers untimely passing. I know it was a big concern for you but you did the right thing and we all understood completely. It seems that when a need arises everything seems to just fall into place. I would certainly recommend you and your company for a trip and if you want to use me as a reference please do. I always enjoy talking to people about trips. I have not put another trip together yet and people keep asking me "where next". I do plan on going to the Horizons Unlimited meeting in Yosemite on September 22 and will tell lots of people there how great this trip was. All the best. Larry

Marica, Herbert und ernst


Dear Tenzin,
After a few days in chaotic Delhi we finally returned save from our trip to wonderful Sikkim and Bhutan. We just wanted the THANK YOU for being our nice and knowledgable guide, thanks for all the arrangements, knowledge and we received from you. We spent an unforgattable great time, the trip was a highly enjoyable and interesting journey and experience. We definitely encountered our very personal "net social happiness".
Dear Hein(z)rich,
A big THANKS also to you for having arranged all our "extras", the Toytrain trip to Darjeeling (wonderful experience) and all the rest. With Asia Bike Tours we really could ride our dreams!!
Hopefully, see you again at the next tour opportunity. Warm regards to you guys. And also to Naresh, our super mechanic guy.
Marica, Herbert, Ernst

Bluey (Sean McDonald)


Hey Julian
Cheers for an awesome crazy adventure through the Himalayas August 2015. We got weathered in up at Leh but you still managed to make everything happen and it made it even more of an adventure
The scenery mind blowing, days and days of perfect roads for riding, the Ladakh people beautiful, the crazy roads and Tata trucks you see on the TV shows, riding the world’s highest roads, Dharamshala- the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan culture was very humbling.
I would 100% recommend Asia Bike Tours over other local companies- Julian created a great atmosphere, is Austrian who grew up in India, speaks German, English, Tibetan (Ladakhi) and Hindi which made things much simpler. The food was always good and safe and the accommodation was good (for India).The Royal Enfield’s were great and just keep going and going as well as the backup car to keep the show rolling.
Say Gday to Temzin, Naresh and Sanjay. Thanks again I appreciated the little things like inviting us to your parents’ house and showing me around Delhi after the tour. Give me a call if you are ever going to Australia, Thailand or Mongolia.
Until next time, thanks Bluey



Hi Heinrich and Julian,

Guys, what a truly awesome adventure through the Indian Himalaya…thankyou. We went with Asia Bike Tours because we felt from our contact with you Heinrich, that we'd have a professional yet very 'human' experience. Thankfully, that's exactly what we got!

Julian, as our were superb mate. You instilled great confidence through your deep knowledge and experience of being on a bike in this tricky terrain. And at the same time, you really encouraged the strong sense of adventure that quickly emerged between us 'band of brothers'. What great times we all shared!

Whilst this was indeed 'the trip of a lifetime', it put into me a great desire to make sure that the very next trip of a lifetime isn't so far away. A testament to the team at Asia Bike Tours, and my dear comapañeros - Rod, Peter, Tomas and Toni. Thanks fellas. Ainslie



Hi All.
A mate and I joined 3 others for the little Tibet tour in July 2015. Our tour guide was Julian (Super Champ) and his trusty mechanic Naresh and driver Sanjay were knowledgeable and dedicated.

This was an experience of a life time (to be repeated). The scenery, the bikes, the adventure, the challengers each day, the roads (or lack there of), people, camaraderie...Ive tried to describe it to friends and family back home, but alas I fall far short of what it was actually like to be there riding!

Our team were great and made sure we got through each day exhausted but elated.
Thanks guys we had a great time. Rod.

Leonieke LeoLovesTibet

TIBET - Lhasa to Mt. Everest

My friend William and I did the Tibet tour in May 2015 and it was amaaaaazing! Like you are riding the moon, beautiful landscapes, unbelievable skies and clouds, yaks, rivers, very friendly people and the wonderful view of the Mount Everest early in the morning.

Also the visit to Namtso lake was breathtaking, walking around in the clouds between very religious pelgrims, colourful prayer flags everywhere, it was one of the most beautiful trips I ever made. The tour was very well organised by our Tibetan guides Jabu, Mima and of course frontman Heinrich.

Wish I could do the trip again tomorrow!


TIBET - Lhasa to Mt. Everest

Last May I indulged myself with what turned out to be an amazing biketrip through Tibet. Unfortunately the earthquake before and the second one during out trip prevented us to visit mount Everest basecampt but Heinrich was able to compile a new trip on a very short notice which was undoubtably just as stunning.
Very good organisation and a knowlegable crew. T'oo-je-che!!

Don Silcock

TIBET - Lhasa to Mt.Everest (not really on this trip bcause of the quake)

Heinrich, I just wanted to thank you again for organizing our two-week trip to Tibet.

As I took the lead in putting the trip together for our group I was obviously nervous that it would turn out good and everybody would be pleased with the result.

You exceeded everybody's expectations and were a pleasure to travel with.

I will be back!!



Julay from scorching Delhi! Congratulations, your gentleman approach seems to be the same as when you started, donkey's years ago, and yet you have more destinations.
I'm off to Kashmir Ladakh Spiti, hope to meet you on the way; all the best, bernard


Hi Heinrich, thanks for such a great tour. I was very impressed by the smooth organisation of the whole trip and the absolutely wonderful palaces, hotels, forts at which we stayed. Hanif our guide was sensational and I am sure our trip would not have been as enjoyable without his contribution and help at every stage. Very glad I chose your company to arrange my trip through India. Sean Winters.


Laurie Hodder


Hi Heinrich,
I have just completed a tour of Rajasthan on the 'Sean Winters' tour.
What can I say other than WOW!
An amazing journey, heaps of fun, fantastic palaces and fort accommodation.
My highest regard for your tour coordinator Hanif. Without him I am in no doubt there would have been many problems. His consistent communication and instruction made us all feel very

comfortable and safe at all times.
I am so impressed with him as a tour guide that I would suggest any of my friends considering this trip to ONLY go with Hanif. That is the confidence I have in your guide!
An amazing trip that was well organised and run by an amazing guide.
This trip will be highly recommend by me to my friends. Thank you for a well organised and highly professional trip.
Laurie Hodder

Enrique Schneeberger

Hello Heinrich
as you know we did this South India in January 2015. The trip was planned well in advance because since our country Uruguay is a long journey to get to India.
The whole trip was fantastic, a very well thought out route, hotels, cities, temples, food and every day a new discovery for us..
For our family (my wife, my daughters 16 and 18 and I) has been a pleasure to have this organization.
Especially our guide, Hanif Sama always willing to help, organize, and with good sense of humor.
Also the support team, driver and mechanic helped make our trip perfect whatever.
Definitely reommend this trip and the organization.! Thanks for making our dreams come true,
slds Enrique, Vero, Ania, Martina from
Montevideo, Uruguay

david edwards

Hi Heinrich , thank you for squeezing me into the November tour to Nepal 2014 to join some friends who had already booked some time earlier.
I really enjoyed the variety of the tour , culture, mountains, jungle and the rustic roads and crazy traffic.
Our guide Shankar was excellent , he was good fun , looked after us very well, sorting out any minor problems and gave us a very good insight into the culture and people of Nepal
I would definitely recommend the trip to anyone who has a little off road experience and a taste for adventure


Enrico Fabiani

Returned from the northern thailand tour i must experess my deepest satisfaction with the tour, a great experience! Despite negligible "imperfections" (which make the event more adventurous) it was very impressive. Fantastic routing, billions of curves like pearls in a row, carefully selected hotel accomodation and the all time friendly local people contribute to an unforgettable trip. Reliable bikes, nice weather and comfortable temperature, good food. I enjoyed it all! Thank you very much, I will participate again!

Myrle Langley

Hi Heinrich;

I've had this on my "to do" list for a long time.

I wanted to thank you for taking such good care of our group of five on the Tibet trip in May. If you ever need a reference, you have it. We were really pleased that you did everything you said you would and managed all the details for us. A couple of the inexperienced guys were a bit over anxious about arrangements and though I tried to restrain them from bothering you so much, they're adults.

Anyway, it was nice to meet up with you at last in Chengdu and I was sorry you were unable to join up with our group. I've not heard if the government is allowing foreigners into Tibet yet, even though I just spent a month in Wuhan. Hard to run a business with such capricious rules and inconsistent enforcement. We were very lucky and enjoyed the trip immensely. I'll check the website from time to time hoping to find another great adventure. Thanks again for all your help,

Myrle Langley

Jevgenij Jeffimov

Hello Henrich !

Thank You very much for a nice journey . It was really good ! We were surprised that the hotels/service are very good in Bhutan
One of our guys is mastering film about the trip - will forward to You when it will be ready
Great thanks to Tenzin & all the command . They are really tough .
Difficult to advise but may be you can include to the program optionally for the volunteers some more advertisements
( when they have several days stop ) as horse riding , rafting etc. You knows better what is available in Bhutan
Thanks once more !
Do not hesitate to contact me any time if You need any support .
Of course You are always warmly welcome to all our meetings
Best regards

David Spence

Many thanks for organising a great tour in Tibet. We have many wonderful memories and wish that our two guides and driver have a great future despite the current tourist
issues. They were fantastic.
We would like to do another tour one day.
Best wishes
David and Rowena

Steven Feller

Heinrich you have been spectacular. I have taken very few tour trips ( I usually make all arrangements myself ) bit this trip was perfect - you did not miss anything and the people you ha r working with you are very competent and very reliable.
Thanks very much and I hope to be able to do another trip with you very soon / Have you worked out the Cambodia / Laos trip yet that sounds very interesting (without the side car) - Steven

erwin meisl

Hello Tenzin,

it was also a pleasure for me and Rudi to meet such an interesting person like you. Your biography is extraordinary. I enjoyed those 2 weeks very much and would like to thank you and Narish for this well organised and tremendous tour. Although I have not been riding a bike for more than 20 years , I felt very safe by your guidance and had so much fun. Don´t worry about the confusion on the last day, I can confirm to all other members of our tour, that you made every effort to reunite our two separated groups, and it was not your mistake, that this foolish guy had not found the right hotel. Therefore I felt a little bit sad, that we could not say good bye appropriately. But I believe we will meet again ( I already studied the Ladakk-tour on the asiabiketours-site and definetly hope, that you will be our guide on this trip :-)).

Best wishes to you and Narish



ps: fotos will follow

Stephen Davies

Our Tibet/Yunnan trip was terrific. Heinrich and his team are a great bunch to travel with. Relaxed, organised, good bikes and with a penchant for really getting off the beaten track. A good time is guaranteed!
Stephen +7 Aussies

山下 和夫

Dear Heinrich.

A happy New year.
Last year I tried Edelweise Bike-Tour in NZ.
And Japanese one in Spain&Portugal.
I realized your tour is the best.
I hope everything is fine with you.

Kazuo Yamashita

shelly & steve

Dearest Heinrich:
Steve and I wanted to “THANK YOU” for such a wonderful trip through Shangri-La, China! We had such an incredible time – our heads are still spinning from all of the wonderful culture we experienced. As I mentioned to you many times, I only wish we would have had helmet cameras to capture all of the sights, sounds, animals and cultural dress we saw as we traveled through all of the different villages. It was a once in a lifetime experience and you and your crew made the trip so easy – we could have never experienced that on our own. All of the stories about your travels were so interesting and your knowledge of the area was very captivating. You are PERFECT at what you do. It’s very clear you love your job or can you even call it a job? We really enjoyed the fact you were right with us on the whole trip from breakfast to late evenings sharing a glass of wine.
We watched “Seven Years in Tibet” (as you recommended) and that kind of put it all together about the Tibetan culture and what happened to them. They are such a happy, warm group of people. I feel like we saw terrain from the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado to Baja Mexico. The bikes were perfect for the trip. Being on a dirt bike made it a lot easier navigating on some of the roads.
I only hope we can make it on another one of your trips in the near future – we would love to go to India. It says a lot for your business when you have repeat customers come back and do other trips as well. You are always welcome to come visit us in California – we could do our own little trip through Baja.
We wish you all the best in your travels! If ever you write a book – please put us on the list. I believe this was the best way to see the country – on the freedom of a motorcycle.

Shelly & Steve Morefield
shelly & steve, L.A

don & stacie

Howdy Heinrich,

It's been over a year since our Ladakh tour and have to say that the images and memories are still vivid. Of the tours we've done this was by far the most challenging, mainly due to the altitude, but one of the most fun. It was a challenging, fun, relaxed adventure with good food, accommodations, companions and guide, and at an affordable price. Hope to travel with you again soon.
Don & Stacie

Gary + Caroline

Hiya Heinrich,
Its seems a very long time since I've been in touch and Ladakh (only last August/September) now seems like a dream. A very good one though! The tour was absolutely fantastic and lived up to, and beyond, your website's advert. And Shankar....what can I say? A great tour leader, guide and a great guy. So knowledgable and self possessed for a young guy. A kinda tough ride also though but all the better for that. My partner, Caroline, was really daunted by the prospect of riding her own bike in that terrain but, despite a few minor tumbles, she loved it too and came out the other end a lot more confident as both a rider and person. All in all, an unmissable experience (Are we Experienced? Damn Right!)
As for unmissable experiences, rumour has it that you guys are now going to be offering a bike tour in Sri Lanka, a place I've had in my sights for a number of years. So, what is the situation so far? How much, and what times of year?
Look forward to hearing from you, hope all is well with you and the business. Keep up the good work and please give our love and best wishes to Shankar and the crew,

Cheers, Gary McCaw and Caroline McAvoy (Scotland)

Deanne Doig

Hi Heinrich
China.. Wow what an adventure. The whole trip far exceeded my expectations. The scenery and mountain areas were stunning. The people were interesting and friendly and the food, well, fantastic. And Heinrich, you were great. My first trip alone and from the moment I arrived I felt comfortable and a part of the group. Well done and thank you so much for the experience. Hope to be back some time in the future.
Deanne - Melbourne

Henk Dammer

Dat was een leuk avontuur met zo een internationaal gezelschap op Royal Enfield motoren door Rajasthan. Ik miste wel mijn leren jack en broek, die had ik thuis gelaten, ik ging immers naar India. Ik had niet op die kou gerekend brrr. Maar het indrukwekkende India maakte dat allemaal weer goed. Leuk gezelschap, fantastische gids, (bedankt Sankar) Een echte aanrader voor motor- en cultuurliefhebbers.
Henk - Netherlands

Pavel Milioschevsky

Hi Heinrich,

it's more than one year we were in Himalaya with you and since that time I didn't write any comment. However, any comment is useless. It was so good, so fantastic, so perfect, that I can't find proper words to describe our feelings (it's not language problem, I was not able to do it in Czech as well). Because in fact it was even better :)

Thank you for everything and see you on next trip. Definitely.

Pavel + Martin

Neil Roussel

Hey Heinrich the Ladakh tour was a fantastic three weeks of true adventure and extremely memorable experiences that will stay with me for the rest of my days. It was really good to meet someone who obviously loves what he does... and does what he loves... I'm not envious at all... Thanks for everything...

Piers Watson


Thanks you a most excellent tour - i rode my dream (not the bike) and will
remember this experience for a long time

Thank you


Daniel B


Sikkim and West Bengal were amazing! The tour through Bhutan, however, was the highlight! That country seems to have been made for motorcycles. The scenery was spectacular and the people were incredibly hospitable. I’d love to return in a few years and see how the country changes. Our guide, Tenzin, was excellent. The mechanic was also first-rate. I look forward to another trip in the region real soon.



Manuel Mongini

Grazie Heinz per la bottiglia di vino rosso che hai aperto a Denali, sulla via per il Ladakh, per festeggiare la presenza del primo italiano nel tuo gruppo.
Viaggio splendido con ottima compagnia - Aria sottile a 5.606 m, affascinanti paesaggi al lago Dal-Srinagar, coinvolgente misticità a Darhamsala.
Grandi le Enfield - Ora in Italia ne ho quattro !!!!!!! (3x350cc - 1x500cc) - Manuel

Steve Sharp

I went to the Himalayas hoping for the trip of a lifetime and that's exactly what I got! It wasn't so much a holiday, more an adventure. You will never encounter such a range of cultures, geography and experiences in such a short time. Not only is Heinrich a very good and safe tour leader, but he also has the ability to quickly mould a group of individuals into a close knit team. Don't hesitate, book it now.


I like your new site and hope to meet you someday in China.

anouradha bakshi

hi heinrich
i was just talking about you to a friend and supporter from Germany this morning:)
i was overwhelmed by your wonderful words on the amazon link... thank you so much
I will send it to friends
and maybe you could put the book I wrote and which is Amazon too!
do read it if you can:)
I will put the banner on my home page it on my home page with a link to your page so people buy more!!
thank you so much for everything and i do look forward to seeing you finally and giving you the big hug of I have been saving!

I am busy being grateful!

Jean-Christoph Goarin

dear heinrich,
... touring Sikkim, Darjeeling and Bouthan with you ...
Hot, adventurous, fun, spicy, discovery, travelling over space and time, everything is there, and even more. In a word, l'aventure, c'est l'aventure. Jean-Christophe Goarin, 52.

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